It's been a long time over past few months *mo tahun uda actually* that I didn't update this blog.. *since I'm the one who started this blog.. hehe* ... Over the months, other people helped me updating this blog, and I didn't give any hand to them.. *siou.. huhu*
Credit to Tya-Aida and Mas Iza.. And now, I will giving my hand *literally* to them... As you all can see, my commitment is just panas-panas taik ayam (it means temporarily in case tat you are wondering right now, haha).. But I will helping them updating this blog, if I'm free to do so..
Now, year 2010 has pasted, season has changed, people changed their looks, life looks more beautiful than they were, some tend having they pasted life back, and mostly, OUR BLOG CHANGED ITS LOOK~!!!! *credit to Mas Iza again* hehe... And kita punya menteri-menteri pun sudah bertukar...
Here's the list our of new parliament :
PM : Alvin Agustine Wastin
TPM : Mira Erika Juarih (si comel.. :P)
SET : Mas Iza (kesian c Erizie.. ngehehe... :P)
ALONG : Fresilla Magial (juara bertahan.. huhuu)
DECO : Tya-Aida
FOTO'S : Ella
(I couldn't remember the rest laaa.. huhuu...)
And in case that other people doesn't know about this, our tutor has changed too.. Doktor Musirin Muksin *from our beloved Madam Shikin, huhuhu, miss her* ....
According to our new PM, 2011 are just numbers.. These numbers are not representing what we're supposed to do for making our life better than 2010, but it is a matter of how we're gonna make it happen.. And those words making the whole class thinking about it for a while.. *ejek2 lagi tu, haha...* There's a saying that says, "Don't just says gonna, make it happen" *sa cipta sndri ni sebenarnya.. hehe*...
Lastly, I doesn't have anything to quote here, cause' my words will make other people turning in the other way, since Mira always saying I'm the bad one here... And I think that just a mengarut and very dongeng sayings about me from the cumil her... haha... Since this post mentioned about "sayings" all the time, than I will be summarizing the "sayings" about the whole class, one by one, inch by inch.. And all truth out.. hehe...
Here we go :
Alvin Augustine Wastin : Become our new PM and tend having many azam baru yg bersemangat..
Amanda Joyce Raymond : Having new hair cut *sa baru notice tu* and changed her blog layout too.. :D
Arnez Awng Peliah : Just came back from Penang *syoknya..* p/s : RIP to her tikus2..
Dygku Siti Iffy "Ipot" : Became cute-ier than last time.. :D
Erizie Elvy John : Rambut jadi pendek and her beloved man leave ip.. huhu..
tapi tggl kengau jak dia tu.. haha.. masi ble jumpa...
Elva Zay In : Makin ayu.. hehe.. :D
Fressila Magial : Still our along of the semester, and bought new VIAO..
*cantik dari R'zie pnya.. hehe..*
GLENdenver~ : The creator of this blog.. Still the same for him.. *hehe*
Marina Moklin : Her laptop rosak, need a *my* keyboard, baru dia boleh
menaip on her laptop..
Maxwell R. : Still the best singer of our class.. And baru pindah rumah..
Mas Iza : New setiausaha.. That's all about her.. :P
Mira Erika : New TPM... Makin mantap, comel, and tegas..
But lembut di dalam hatinya.. haha..
Azrul Fendi : Lambat balik dari Penang hari tu, and get 5 hours of
kosong on kehadiran... hmmm~
Affiq Assan : Went to Miri (with Glen).. Had lot of fun.... hoho..
Anis Izatti : Spek baru.. hehe...
Tya-Aida : Still our minister of DECO.. hoooo~~~~
Presly Jennis : The most wanted of the season.. according to our tutor..
Ella of MukaH : Cheated on Glen and Affiq.. And our new ministerof FOTO'S..
Roy Lester A. : Lambat sampai sehari, and brought his gitar karen.. haha..
and escaped from being the most wanted.. hmmm~
Salbiah Rahman : Cheated on Glen and Affiq as well.. Has a crush on a
youtube artis.. hmmm~
Shelly Tubak : Had her bday this week.. haha.. Lucky for her.. hoho..
Siti Anniey : Didn't change.. Still sweeter as ever.. :D
All from the creator