Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Examination Week

bRikuT mRupaKAn jDuaL pEpEriksAAn bG
PPISMP BM SEM 3 tahun 2009:

5 NOV 2009 (Khamis) = 8.30 pg hingga 9.45 pg (1.25 JAM) = BM 1 :PM3311P:

10 NOV 2009 (Selasa) = 8.30 pg hingga 9.45 pg (1.25 JAM) = KS 1 :SS3311P:
11 NOV 2009 (Rabu) = 8.30 pg hingga 9.45 pg (1.25 JAM) = PJ 1 :PJ3311P:
12 NOV 2009 (Khamis) = 8.30 pg hingga 9.45 pg (1.25 JAM) = BM 2 :PM3312P:

be prepared my fellow classmates..
share what u know, not keep it by urself!

Why be afraid of what people will say? Those who care about you will say, "Goodluck!" and those who care only about themselves will never say anything worth listening to anyway.
So, goodluck my friend. Give the best answer from you.

- princess -

Monday, November 2, 2009

Meet The Nerdy

jOm beRkeNaLan dGn raKan2 NerDy kita pD aRi ni..
piC ni d raKam pD pG tD sbLum n sLpas kLas..
mReka baru kLuar dR pNjaRa kNgau kRaNa didApati bRsaLah ataS tuduHan beLajar tNpa heNti seLama 3 haRi 3 mLm..
saKsiKan gLagat meRekA..

. welcome to nerdy area. after this, we went to 'libry'.

. ini mrupakan kanak2 yg baru dijumpai pG td, stelah 3 hari 3 mlm x tdur krn study semat .

. nerd - kinda funny.

. cak! busted~ .

. pameran kasut paling hebat .

. let's get going! .

We must hang together, or surely we shall hang separately
Buayan.Crew™ 2008-2013